Bulk Purchase Offer: pack of 6
Lifestream BRM360 (pack size 60) x 6 boxes
BRM360°™ stands for ‘Biological Response Modifiers’ which fortifies the body's immune response, to regulate and improve overall health. It is a cutting-edge mushroom-derived adjunct therapy made from highly concentrated and purified extracts of 6 well-researched nutraceutical mushrooms that has undergone 250 times concentration to make it the most concentrated mushroom essence available. Revolutionary orthomolecular (right molecules in the right amount) blending technology is used to produce BRM360°™, thereby offering extensive breadth and depth of the complex polysaccharides compounds for maximum therapeutic effects. A comprehensive array of chemical profile assurance tests are used to ensure purity and consistency in each and every batch.
For Optimum Immune System Support and Fortification of Body’s Healing Capacity
BRM360°™ is an all natural super tonic that is suitable for individuals with the following conditions:
- Weak Immune System
- Poor Healing Capacity
- Regular Exposure to Harmful Chemicals/UV or Radiation/Carcinogens Exposure
- Smokers / Drinkers
- A need for an Overall, Comprehensive Health Tonic
BRM360°™ contains more than 60% Total Polysaccharides (beta-Glucans) that supports a wide range of immune defenses like Natural Killer cells, T-cells and macrophage activities. This makes BRM360°™ an effective adjunct therapy to conventional cancer treatment, as it helps to greatly reduce side effects of chemo or radiation therapy as well as builds up the resistance of healthy cells against the damaging effects of such treatments.
(i) Lingzhi (Ganoderma lucidum) (also known as Reshi)
- Protects the immune response by stimulating immune cells activities
- Adaptogenic and anti-allergic properties
- Shortens convalescence and supports cardiovascular, liver and respiratory health
(ii) Yunzhi (Coriolus versicolor) (also known as 'Turkey tail')
- Increases strength and vitality
- Exhibits positive effect on the immune system and increases white blood cells
- Effective adjuncts to chemotherapy or radiotherapy
(iii) Maitake (Grifola frondosa)
- Potent immuno-modulating properties that strengthen immune system
- Enhances production and release of immune response molecules like macrophages and natural killer (NK) cells
- Effective adjuncts to chemotherapy or radiotherapy and decreases side effects observed
(iv) Shiitake (Lentinula edodes)
- Increases the activity of the protective antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD)
- Normalizes blood cholesterol to healthy levels
- Enhances immune responses
(iv) Agaricus Blazei Murill (ABM)
- Reported anti-cancer effect at the general convention of the Japan Cancer Association since 1980
- Enhances compromised immune functions
- Useful adjunct to chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments
(vi) Cordyceps (also known as 'Caterpillar fungus')
- Enhances immunity by increasing the activity of helper T-cells and natural killer cells (types of immune cells)
- Accelerates bone marrow and spleen regeneration – both important for healthy immune system
- Beneficial for healthier overall body functions